
How Insulation Can Be Used For Soundproofing Purposes

Insulation keeps heat from spreading, but it can also be used to control sound. Adding sound insulation to a home is a simple and cost-effective way to make a room quieter.

Many homeowners choose to add acoustic insulation when their home is being built, but it’s possible to retrofit existing homes as well. Insulation Tulsa OK options can significantly reduce unwanted noise.



Most people know that insulation provides thermal protection in homes and businesses, but it also helps reduce noise. Fiberglass is an excellent acoustic insulator, reducing the transmission of sounds between rooms and allowing you to sleep or work in peace. It’s one of the most effective soundproofing materials available.

The density of fiberglass insulation, and its ability to block vibrations from escaping the home, is what makes it so effective at absorbing and blocking sound. In addition, the material is a poor conductor of heat and doesn’t allow the transfer of hot or cold air through walls or ceilings. It is the ideal choice for soundproofing in new construction and renovation projects.

When comparing different types of insulation for sound control, you’ll want to look at their Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) ratings. The higher the NRC rating, the better the acoustic performance of the insulation. While fiberglass is an excellent insulator, it’s not as good at reducing noise as cellulose or spray foam.

For the best results, you’ll need to pair fiberglass insulation with other sound-absorbing and blocking panels. This can include materials that are hung in the room as well as those that are placed behind doors and windows. Adding these additional layers of barriers to the transmission of sound will significantly improve your quality of life at home or in your workspace.

Another option is mineral wool insulation, which is similar to fiberglass but made from molten rock that’s spun into strands of fiber. It’s very dense and does a great job of blocking sound through walls and floors. It’s also a good choice for attics and other areas where the acoustic performance is most important.

Like fiberglass, it can be installed in a wide variety of spaces in a house or commercial building. It’s often used in drywall between floor joists or in the ceiling to provide superior soundproofing. It can also be sprayed on walls and ceilings for a more seamless installation and better acoustic performance. Like other blown-in insulation, it needs to be properly sealed to prevent air leaks.

Blown-In Cellulose

In a home, soundproofing insulation can be installed in the attic or walls to reduce noise from below and between floors. Many types of insulation can be used to achieve this goal, including fiberglass and cellulose, which are both eco-friendly materials. In addition to reducing noise, these types of insulation can also improve energy efficiency.

When determining the best type of insulation for soundproofing purposes, homeowners should consider whether their space needs absorption or blocking. Some insulating products serve both functions, while others have either absorption or blocking capabilities. Absorption works by dissipating acoustic energy into heat and sound waves, which helps to decrease noise levels. Blocking, on the other hand, serves to prevent acoustic energy from passing through an object and back into a room.

Blown-in cellulose insulation is a popular option for soundproofing insulation. It is made of recycled paper that is blown into empty spaces in attics and other areas in a home to help control air infiltration and increase the overall thermal performance of a structure. In a recent study, researchers found that homes with cellulose insulation used up to 26% less energy for heating than those with fiberglass batts. Additionally, cellulose insulation is extremely dense and can easily seal around pipes or wiring to prevent them from leaking.

While cellulose is a great material for insulating and reducing sound, it is not without its downsides. It is very sensitive to moisture and must be kept dry or it will begin degrading and lose its ability to prevent sound from passing through walls. Furthermore, breathing the shredded paper dust that is shed by cellulose can aggravate respiratory issues and trigger allergies in certain individuals. Additionally, cellulose is not water resistant and will absorb up to 130 percent of its weight in water, which makes it a breeding ground for mold and causes it to lose its insulating capabilities.

The good news is that there are other options for achieving soundproofing goals in a home, such as closed-cell spray foam. This type of insulation is designed to be tightly sealed and is highly effective at preventing sound from passing through walls and into adjacent rooms. It is a great choice for soundproofing in high traffic or loud areas of the home, such as a living room or bedroom.

Sound-Blocking Paints

Several different sound-blocking paints on the market can be used to help control noise. These paints are generally formulated to be thicker than regular wall paint and have some additional fillers within them that are designed to absorb sound waves. Typically, these additives will be based on materials like fiberglass, cellulose, or even ceramic microspheres. The paints can be applied to a wall or ceiling, and will typically be able to cover the same range of frequencies that other types of soundproofing insulation can.

Using these paints can be an effective way to make your home or office less noisy and can be done quickly and easily. Unlike traditional soundproofing methods that involve replacing or re-working the existing walls, this method is very low cost and can be used by anyone who has basic painting skills. The drawback to this type of soundproofing is that it does not block very high or low frequencies, so combining it with another type of soundproofing can improve the results.

When selecting a sound-deadening paint it is important to understand how it works. It is generally a heavy-bodied water-based paint that gets its density from the addition of sound-absorbing fillers and ceramic microspheres. These are usually referred to as thermals and work by absorbing and dissipating the energy of sound waves that hit them. This helps to prevent the sound from traveling through your walls and into your room.

These paints are available in both quilted and non-quilted varieties, depending on the frequency of sound you wish to control. The downside to this type of soundproofing is that they are often not as easy to use as other types of sound-dampening insulation, and will need to be applied in multiple coats to achieve the desired result. Additionally, they tend to be less vibrant in color and may not match the overall look of your space.

A low-cost alternative to these paints is to simply add a soundproofing additive to your regular wall paint. This can be purchased online and will essentially turn your normal paint into a soundproofing material. This will likely not be as effective but can be an affordable and simple option.

Sound-Absorbing Fabrics

A good sound-absorbing fabric can moderate noise and help reduce vibrations within a space. It also may decrease the transmission of some frequencies between spaces, but it is not designed to be a full-on soundproofing solution. The fabric absorbs and softens reflected sound, decreasing reverberation, echo, and chatter. It can also be used to improve the acoustics of small rooms, theaters, recording studios, and restaurants. It is typically fire-rated and available in a variety of colors and patterns.

Many fabrics are designed to absorb and diffuse sound, but some are more effective than others for soundproofing. When choosing a fabric for sound absorption, consider its thickness and properties. For example, cotton offers a good combination of absorbency and resilience. The light and fluffy fibers allow it to absorb high frequencies, but its density is enough to resist resonance. It also provides resistance to tearing, which makes it durable. Another option is fiberglass, which can be very dense and offers a higher NRC rating than cotton.

The most important factor in selecting an acoustic insulation material is its NRC (noise reduction coefficient). The lower the NRC number, the less it will transmit sound waves. Some products offer a wide range of NRC ratings for different Hz frequencies, allowing homeowners to select the best one for their home or business.

Using curtains alone to soundproof a room isn’t practical, but they can be combined with other sound-absorbing materials. Some fabrics, like thick, 32-ounce velour, are designed specifically for acoustic benefits and can be used as drapes. These have an NRC value that is better than standard drapes and can lower reverberation, reflection, and echo. Heavy blackout fabrics also work well and can be purchased in a variety of colors and styles.

Other fabric types can be used as liners for soundproofing panels, bass traps, and diffusers. These can be inexpensive alternatives to acoustic insulation. For best results, choose a fabric that is dust and stain-resistant and fire-rated. It should also be thick enough to provide adequate acoustic performance, but not so thick that it restricts airflow or creates heat buildup in the room.